Great Aunt Peggy

Painted from a vacation photo of my Great Aunt Peggy Pontzer. I see the word “Jamaica” on the side of the large pod rattle she is carrying, carrots dangling from the rim of her make-shift colander hat. I love seeing pictures of people I only knew later in their life. Peggy had lost her husband early in their marriage and she lived near my grandmother, Evelyn Chase. Aunt Peggy would come to visit my grandma for supper on Sundays and grandma would prepare a goody bag for her lunch the next day . I was in my early 20’s when Peggy passed away and I went to visit my grandma. She had some of Aunt Peggy’s household in her garage. I remember we found an old bottle of Drambuie and had a toast in glass slippers in honor of Peggy. There was a large purse hanging in my grandma’s garage, and I asked her why she hung it on the wall? She said that was big enough for Aunt Peggy to take a six pack of Straub Beer to heaven. They call them “greenies” . Straub is a local brewery in their town of St. Mary’s PA. My grandmother gave me an mid-century loveseat that belonged to Aunt Peggy. It is still in my basement 30 years later and has seen better days after 3 dogs, but the frame is good and I hope to refinish. Great Aunt Peggy baked the best gingerbread cookies and it was what she would bring to my grandparent’s home when we would visit. Being the youngest of six I’m sure my grandma appreciated help. These days the cookie lady is my Aunt Mary. Maybe I should ask for that gingerbread cookie recipe!